Saturday, April 13, 2024

Greatest Recruiting Posters of the Great War

The need for millions of soldiers for "The Great War" (later renamed World War One) lead to the creation of one of the most iconic recruiting posters in American history the "Uncle Sam, I Want You" poster by famed illustrator Jame Montgomery Flagg.

 Most Americans instantly recognize this famous poster that has become an icon of two World Wars that first appeared on the cover of Leslie's Weekly magazine on 16 July 1916 as a preparedness poster (the words being "What are you doing to prepare"). The recruiting poster was first issued in 1917 with more the 4 million posters produced. 

What few Americans realize is that this poster concept was copied from the British one shown here, where Field Marshal Lord Kitchener wants you to join the British Army. Herber 1st Earl of Kitchner, was a 19th and early 20th century Imperial war hero. He was also the War Secretary of Great Britain from the start of the Great War until he died as a passenger on the HMS Hampshire when she was sunk on 5 June 1916. His instantly recognizable face directly pointing to the viewer was a powerful recruiting tool that helped induce hundreds of thousands, possibly a million+, volunteers to join as "Kitchners Soldiers." While the Kitchner poster continued to be used until the end of the Great War, the American version would continue to appear in public for decades to come.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

"The lamps are going out all over Europe"

 Although war had already been declared between Russia, Germany, Serbia and Austria-Hungary in late July-early August 1914, it was still seen as a limited war. Upon learning of the German declaration of war upon France one of the most prophetic statements of that time was made: "The lamps are going out all over Europe; we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime," Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey, August 3, 1914. Later the next day the British Empire would join the folly that became "the Great War," that would last four years, redraw the map of Europe, destroy four empires (Austo-Hungarian, German, Ottoman & Russian), kill more than ten million soldiers, wound more than 23 million others, kill 11-15 million civilians and lay the groundwork for the greatest war in human history a generation later. The lights of the old Victorian/Edwardian World would never be lit again.

British "Tommies" pass through a ruined farm in the early days of "the Great War."
(These are metal miniatures from Renegade that I painted in 2010 the ruined house is a terrain piece I completed around the same period.)

Monday, February 26, 2024

Jomsviking Elite Warriors of the Danes


Near legendary for their fighting prowess, often for the highest bidder, the "Brotherhood of Jomsvikings" where loyal unto death to each other. Originally raised from warriors of Jomborg, Daneland in the 10th century CE, the Jomsvikings were skilled veterans of Norse battles and raids. Limited to men of virtue between the ages of 18 and 50, the Jomsvikings were elite warriors who often formed the core of Norse armies.

The "Jomsvikiga Saga" mentions how membership was exclusive and only for warriors willing to pledge their lives and battle skills to the glory of the gods and their Jomsvikings brothers. Warrior members were honor bound to protect each other, equally share all loot and spoils of war and to never bring women into their fortress. To spend time with wives or other women the warriors had to leave their fortress of Jomsborg (possibly modern day Wolim Poland). Spending more than three nights away from their brothers was strictly forbidden without the leader's permission. 

For over two centuries, the Jomsvikings were among the most feared and respected band of warriors in Western Europe. As mercenaries and conquerors, they were highly valued by rulers throughout the lands of the Norther raiders known as the Vikings who were looking for an edge in the next battle. Yet, as with many elite mercenary warriors, their great success led to a fear of their power and wealth by local rulers. In 1043, King Mangus I of Norway smashed the Jomburg and destroyed the Jomsvikings. Another elite warrior caste disappeared from history like so many before and yet to come.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Eastern Roman Empire Yes-Byzantine Empire No


Having lasted 1000 years, the Eastern Roman Empire was the most successful European empire in history. Founded in the 4th century before the fall of its more famous parent the Roman Empire. Its capital, Constantinople (modern day Istanbul), was created upon the site of the ancient Greek city of Byzantium by Roman Emperor Constantine I in 330 CE as his new capital for the Roman Empire. The Empire divided into the Eastern and Western Roman Empires in 395 CE.

With the death of the Western Roman Empire in the late 5th century, the Eastern Roman Empire maintained the laws, knowledge and culture of the Empire as Western Europe dissolved into scores of petty kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities and lesser states fell into what some historians refer to as the "Dark Ages."

At the height of its power, in the 6th century, under the Emperor Justinian I, the Eastern Roman Empire controlled most of the Mediterranean Sea coastal lands and the Middle East. Overtime Latin was replaced with Greek as the official language, and Orthodox Christianity became the main religion of the Empire.

Yet, until their lasts days, the people of the Eastern Roman Empire referred to themselves as "Romaioi" (Romans) and their last Emperor, Constantine XI Palaiologos, considered himself a continuation of the lineage of the Roman Emperors that began with Augustus in 27 BCE.

The name "Byzantine Empire" did not come into popular usage until after the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453. One reason for the name change appears to be the need of the intelligentsia of the Renaissance to claim direct linkage to the glories of the Roman Empire and reduce the importance of the continuation of that empire and its glories by "Eastern Peoples" who did not hold Western European cultural, social and religious ideals.

Elite Varangian Guards of the Eastern Roman Emperors. 
These Norsemen so impressed the rulers of the Eastern Roman Empire that they were the Emperors personal bodyguards for 300+ years (11th-14th centuries).