Friday, June 10, 2022

Beware Charybdis


Charybdis-Ships Doom

A threat to unwary sailors, the sea monster Charybdis, was one of the most fearsome beasts of Greek mythos. As an offspring of Gaia and Poseidon, Charybdis was caught in a quarrel between Poseidon and Zeus. Zeus cursed her, dooming her to becoming a monster that created giant whirlpools that sucked in ships and crews to their doom. Charybdis and fellow sea monster Scylla worked in tandem to make the Straits of Messina a mortal danger to shipping.

 This Charybdis is a plastic piece that I painted in June 2022.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Apollo, Protector-Poet-Oracle


Apollo is about to demonstrate why you don't want to anger the god of divine distance (retribution).
One of the most popular gods of the Greeks and Romans, Apollo had many aspects of power and responsibility. He was seen as the god of both religious and secular law, divine retribution, purification from quilt, crops, domesticated animals and protection from disease to name a few of his major responsibilities. As time marched on, Apollo was thought of as the Sun god, Helos, by the Greeks. A relationship that was not duplicated by the Romans and their Sun god Sol.

A lover of the lyre, Apollo was also the god of music, dance and poetry. 
His twin sister was Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt. On the Isle of Pytho (Delphi) he killed the dreaded monster Python (World Historyprof: Python the Fearsome) and established the Oracle of Delphi
His byname, Phoebus, means "pure" or "bright" which inferred his connection with the Sun. He was also called Lyceius, for his protection of farmers herds from wolves (lykoi being the Greek word for wolves) as well as Nomios " herdsman."
I painted this plastic model of Apolo in the Spring of 2022.

Nature Time With Pan


Pan the Greek God of Nature, Mountains, Shepherds and Nymphs. Pan was known to use his wild nature inspired music to induce humans to lose their inhibitions and enjoy all the aspects of natural urges.
Pan and his fauns are plastic pieces from  Monolith, Mystic Battles that I painted in 2019.