Monday, February 26, 2024

Jomsviking Elite Warriors of the Danes


Near legendary for their fighting prowess, often for the highest bidder, the "Brotherhood of Jomsvikings" where loyal unto death to each other. Originally raised from warriors of Jomborg, Daneland in the 10th century CE, the Jomsvikings were skilled veterans of Norse battles and raids. Limited to men of virtue between the ages of 18 and 50, the Jomsvikings were elite warriors who often formed the core of Norse armies.

The "Jomsvikiga Saga" mentions how membership was exclusive and only for warriors willing to pledge their lives and battle skills to the glory of the gods and their Jomsvikings brothers. Warrior members were honor bound to protect each other, equally share all loot and spoils of war and to never bring women into their fortress. To spend time with wives or other women the warriors had to leave their fortress of Jomsborg (possibly modern day Wolim Poland). Spending more than three nights away from their brothers was strictly forbidden without the leader's permission. 

For over two centuries, the Jomsvikings were among the most feared and respected band of warriors in Western Europe. As mercenaries and conquerors, they were highly valued by rulers throughout the lands of the Norther raiders known as the Vikings who were looking for an edge in the next battle. Yet, as with many elite mercenary warriors, their great success led to a fear of their power and wealth by local rulers. In 1043, King Mangus I of Norway smashed the Jomburg and destroyed the Jomsvikings. Another elite warrior caste disappeared from history like so many before and yet to come.

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