Monday, July 25, 2022

Prometheus, the Giver of Fire


The Titan Prometheus, son of Iapetus & Clymeme, was one of the few titans to support the Olympian Gods in the massive and terrible conflict, the "Titanomachy.  The "Titanomachy" was a ten-year war between the Olympians under Zeus vs the majority of the Titans led by Kronos (as well as loads of monsters) for the control of the World.
With the aid of Prometheus, his brother Epimetheus, the Gigantes and the Cyclopes, Zeus and the Olympians won the war. As the Titan of forethought and crafty advice, Prometheus was given the task of molding mankind out of clay. From this time on he referred to mankind as his children and took particular care of them.
Zeus initially rewarded Prometheus for his loyalty and support, but when Zeus learned that Prometheus had given mankind the gift of fire, against Zeus's expressed orders, Zeus feared that with fire mankind would eventually rise up to challenge the gods themselves! Zeus went into a fierce rage at this betrayal by his favored Titan. Zeus's revenge was to be both complex and painful, the complex part included Pandora and a Jar (not a box), but that is another story. 
The everlasting pain Zeus ordered for Prometheus involved a hungry eagle, a Titans liver and eternal suffering. Prometheus was bound to Mount Kaukasos/Caucasus where an eagle came to daily tear out and eat the Titans liver, which would regrow overnight so the pain and suffering could continue forever.  Eventually Prometheus was rescued by Zeus' son Herakles/Hercules when the rage of Zeus had finally subsided.

This is a plastic model of Prometheus in all his "Titanomachy" warlike majesty that I painted in July of 2022. 

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